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[摘要]美国公司Replica Wine从事的业务正如它的名字所言:“理直气壮地”复制全美一部分顶尖葡萄酒,并以低价卖出。该公司一直以来都在跟一个化学实验室合作,号称拥有“世界上最大的葡萄酒口味与香气信息资料库”,并且可以通过“经典混合技术”再造出任何一种葡...


美国公司Replica Wine从事的业务正如它的名字所言:“理直气壮地”复制全美一部分顶尖葡萄酒,并以低价卖出。该公司一直以来都在跟一个化学实验室合作,号称拥有“世界上最大的葡萄酒口味与香气信息资料库”,并且可以通过“经典混合技术”再造出任何一种葡萄酒风格。这项技术由公司首席葡萄酒官、侍酒大师Brett Zimmerman负责。“如果他觉得这款酒口感不够出色,并且跟提供灵感的酒不是几乎完全一样,就不能装瓶。” Replica Wine母公司Integrated Beverage Group的董事长Ari Walker说。 Replica模仿了多款经典葡萄酒,比如,Pickpocket以普雷森红葡萄混酿为原型,Knockoff则借鉴了肯德杰克逊霞多丽。尽管还没有被模仿的葡萄酒公司联系Replica,但Walker表示他希望它们可以像自己的公司一样对这个项目感到兴奋。“你知道有句话叫‘模仿是最真诚的恭维’吗?那些被我们选为灵感来源的葡萄酒都是这个国家最畅销、最好喝的。”

  US company Replica Wine is doing just as its name suggests: “unapologetically” recreating some of America’s top shelf wines at bottom drawer prices. Working with a chemistry laboratory, Replica said they compiled “what could be the world’s largest database of taste and aroma information” of wines and can recreate any particular style through “classic blending techniques” overseen by Brett Zimmerman, a Master Sommelier and the company’s Chief Wine Officer. “If he does not think the wine tastes amazing, and nearly identical to the wine that inspired it, it is not bottled,” said Ari Walker, president of Integrated Beverage Group, Replica Wine’s parent company. So iconic wines like The Prisoner’s red blend is mimicked by Replica’s Pickpocket, while Kendall-Jackson’s chardonnay can be had with Replica’s Knockoff. While Replica has not been contacted by the original makers of the wines they have copied, Walker said that he hopes they’re excited about it as his company is. “You know how they say, ‘Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery?’ We chose the wines that inspired Replica because they are some of the best-selling in the country, and some of the best flavour-wise as well.”

  本文刊登在第44期《饮迷》杂志。This article first appeared in issue 44 of Drink Magazine.












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