发布时间:2017-02-05 10:35 我来说说 我要投稿
The End of Heat(Chu Shu, “处暑” in Chinese) is the 14th term of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms and falls on sometime around August 23. The Chinese character “处” (Chu) means end and “处暑” means the end of hot summer. After the End of Heat, the day-and-night temperature difference will become large, which makes people more vulnerable to respiratory diseases, enterogastritis, and influenza.
In ancient times, people believed that three things would happen during the End of Heat. The first thing is that eagles would begin to catch and hunt a lot of birds. The second is that the weather would turn cold and the whole world would seem solemn. The third is that fall harvests would be about to begin.
【处暑解秋乏 | Autumn weariness】
There is a saying that, "people tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer and feel tired in autumn.” As the weather becomes cool during the End of Heat, many people will feel languid and weary, which is called "autumn weariness". It is a sign that the human body needs rest, since people have consumed excessive energy in the summer. Get enough sleep, do more exercises and keep plants indoor to help.
【昙花常开处暑时 | Time for night-blooming cereus】
The night-blooming cereus is a flower full of mystery, which often blooms during the period of the End of Heat. This is because the climate during the End of Heat, signed by warm days and cold nights, is similar to tropical deserts. Night-blooming cereus blossom at night to avoid the blazing daytime sun.
【出游相聚最美时 | Enjoying clouds】
When the End of Heat comes, clouds in the sky scatter around to form different shapes. There is a saying goes that, "enjoying the clouds of various forms in Julu and August." Also, people can enjoy scenery as it changes gradually from summer to autumn.
【处暑食老鸭 | Eating duck】
Duck has a sweet flavor and according to Chinese traditional medicine it has a "cool" nature. A folk tradition is to eat duck during the End of Heat period. There are many recipes for cooking duck such as roast duck, cooked duck with lemon, smoked duck with walnut dressing and sautéed duck with ginger shoots. The tradition of eating duck during the End of Heat period is still popular in China.
Recipe in the End of Heat
After the End of Heat, the temperature difference is large. People will make some Health-Preserving food help clear away internal heat. Here is a nourishing dish which is the tripe soup with the lotus seed, pearl barley and gorgon fruit.
Source from Internet