发布时间:2016-03-25 12:25 我来说说 我要投稿
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继上一次的摩洛哥式炖羊肉之后,这次推出新西兰旅行烹饪的下半期– 烤三文鱼。和绵羊一样,三文鱼也属于舶来品,但是在新西兰的冷水湖泊里饲养的非常肥美。在新西兰的Pukaki湖边有一个三文鱼养殖场,直接对外销售三文鱼。一整条三文鱼的售价仅为50新西兰元,给了我绝佳的机会做一场三文鱼盛宴,搭配以本地南瓜,是健康而美味的一餐。这次的旅行烹饪拍摄地点选择在景色优美的Tekapo湖边(据说拥有南半球最美的星空)。
Coming into 2016, I would like to thank you all for great support over the past year! I will continue to accompany you to discover the food all over the world.
Following the Moroccan lamb stew, here we present to you the second part of New Zealand travel cooking – Baked whole salmon! Same as sheep, salmon is not native in New Zealand. But the cold water lakes in New Zealand produce some of the best salmon in the world. There is a salmon farm just nearby Lake Pukaki which sells salmon to retailors, and only cost you NZD 50for a medium size whole salmon. It’s a fantastic opportunity for me to cook awhole salmon feast with a healthy complement of roasted pumpkin. The photos were taken in front of the stunning view of Lake Tekapo (some says the best starry night in south hemisphere).
Salmon, lemon, garlic, shallots, fennel, dill, butter, white wine
Pumpkin, cinnamon
第一步 Step 1
I was using tin foil as the container for salmon, very easy to get at local supermarket. Take the tin foil with 4 times length of the fish, fold once and lay the fish on top of it (double layer to prevent any smallholes). Trim off the fins of the salmon, and slice a few openings on the backof the fish, to ensure consistent cooking by letting the heat in. Season thefish with salt & pepper, both outside and inside; then spread the dill all over the fish (if using fresh dill, then chop finely).
第二步 Step 2
Slice the fennel (can be replaced with onion also), then put under the fish. Cut shallot, lemon and garlic into slices, and add into the cavity of the fish as well as on top of the fish. Take a few knobs of butter, scatter around the fish.
第三步 Step 3
Fold back the foil and seal the 4 sides. Before closing the last side, pour in some white wine. I used the Riesling from Pegasus Bay (such a waste…), but you really don't need expensive wine for this. The wine mixes with lemon, garlic and butter, will emulsify into the perfect juice to flavor the fish while cooking. Make sure the tin foil is tightly sealed without any leak, otherwise the juice will come out and cooking will be inconsistent. Preheat oven to 180 degree, and bake for 30 mins on top level.
第四步 Step 4
It happens to be the pumpkin season while we were in New Zealand. The sweetness of the pumpkin can well compliment the fatty salmon. Cut off the outer skin, and chop into large pieces (as shown in photos). Season with salt, pepper and cinnamon powder (cinnamon can further bring out the sweetness of pumpkin), drizzle olive oil over the pumpkins and roast for 30-40mins until edges are brown and inside is perfectly soft.
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